Louis Sydney Child and Adult Psychotherapist
SW London

Seminars, Training and Workshops

I have provided many trainings over the years for Family Futures, Adoptionplus, Post Adoption Centre, AdoptionUK and for social services, therapy trainings, schools and other organisations.
The topics have included:
* The Impact of Developmental Trauma on Children's Well Being
* Life Story Work
* Facilitating Meaningful Contact
* Assessing Children and Sibling Groups
* Arts Based Psychotherapy with Young People
* Working with Children who have been Fostered or Adopted
* Working with Parents
* Using a Mentalization and DDP based approach with Parents
* Going Back to Go Forward: Attachment, Trauma and Neuroscience for Newly Approved Adopted Parents

Published books:
Facilitating Meaningful Contact in Adoption and Fostering: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Planning, Assessing and Good Practice (2014)

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